共 9 条近义词
有口无心嘴上说的厉害心里却没有啥。例老爷此时早看透了邓九公是个重交尚义、有口无心、年高好胜的人。——清文康《儿女英雄传》英be sharp-tongued but not malicious;[查看详情]
甜言蜜语投合心意的好听的话多指为讨好人或哄骗人而说的。例大多数人爱听甜言蜜语。英honeyed words and phrases; oily tongue; glib talk;[查看详情]
绵里藏针喻外表看来温柔软弱,实则内心刻毒强硬。英ruthless character behind a gentle appearance is like a needle hidden in silk floss;形容柔弱中蕴刚强。[查看详情]
阳奉阴违当众同意背后反对。例如有日与胥徒比而阳奉阴违,名去实存者,断以白简随其后。——《明臣奏议革大户行召募疏》英overtly agree, but covertly oppose; out wardly obey but inwardly oppose;[查看详情]
口是心非口所言说与心所思想不一致。例他的伪善和口是心非是无以复加的几乎是堂而皇之的。英duplicity; say yes and mean no;[查看详情]
心口不一心里想的和嘴上说的不是一回事。形容人的虚伪、诡诈。例我是这们个直性子希罕就说希罕不是这们心口不一的。——《醒世姻缘传》英say what one doesn't think;[查看详情]
两面三刀比喻背地里诋毁别人挑拨是非。例你这两面三刀的东西我不希罕。——《红楼梦》英double-dealing; fire in one hand and water in the other; double-faced tactics;[查看详情]
笑里藏刀形容外貌和善内心狠毒。例这是笑里藏刀言清行浊的人。——《水浒传》英velvet paws hide sharp claws; cover the dagger with smile; daggers hiden behind smiles; There are daggers in man' s smile;[查看详情]
言不由衷所说的话不是发自内心。形容口是心非。例言不由衷质无益也。——《左传隐公三年》英speak with one's tongue in one's cheek; say what one does not mean;[查看详情]